About Destiny

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“Those who can’t remember the past are destined to repeat it.”

George Santyana


Destiny is a 501(c)(3) Educational Media Foundation dedicated to bringing Jewish history to life in an exciting and interactive way.

Our films and multi-media programming are designed to educate, inspire, inform, and instill a sense of pride and purpose in being Jewish. To demonstrate how each and every Jew fits into the big picture of Jewish history.

Through innovative initiatives such as the Faith and Fate Documentary Series and The Heralds of Destiny Animated Film Series, together with comprehensive Educators’ Guides, Audio Lectures, Online Multi-Media Jewish History Learning Courses and Books, the Destiny Foundation is changing the way history is experienced and learned.

Destiny’s multi-media tools gives today’s new generation of Jews, innovative ways to explore and define their Jewish identity and history.


To support educational outreach in order to strengthen and reinforce Jewish identity and commitment to Jewish continuity and Israel.

To produce effective and ongoing films and multi-media educational materials and programming for use in the home, classroom, and in Jewish communities.

To offer training and ongoing support to teachers and educators for each of our projects.


It all started with a few audio cassettes on Jewish history, recorded by Berel Wein, way back in the 1980’s. The lectures were unique in several ways. Firstly, they were the first series on Jewish history available on tape. Secondly, Berel Wein in his inimitable style put Jewish history into perspective. He gave us an informed overview on how Jewish history related to world history – and how it relates to our lives today. Thirdly, he did it in an engaging and insightful way – as only a master storyteller, with a dry sense of humor, could.

By popular demand the series grew. To date over 1,000,000 of his lectures have been purchased world-wide. Then came the books that complimented the tapes. Then came the films.

In 1996 Berel Wein started the Destiny Foundation to expand production and distribution – and make Jewish history digitally available to the widest audience possible. See video


Our past influences our future – and history is the map that guides us to our destination. Understanding how each individual is an essential part of the chain of Jewish history, creates a unique and critical link in the continuity of our people.

“Jewish History is our teacher … it is our rear view mirror.
If you don’t know where you come from – how do you know where you are going?

It’s one of the most valuable tools for understanding and dealing with today’s world”

Berel Wein


Today’s students are totally media savvy.

Information is instantly accessible, downloadable, transmittable and interactive. Media has impact – and it works.

Also, today’s audiences have the power of choice. The power to choose what media to communicate in, and what media is the most effective to learn from and easy-to-use.

Today, all information is available digitally. That is why Destiny produces it’s films and educational materials in multi-media formats – to make them more convenient and impactful.

Each of Destiny’s films are accompanied by a Multi-Media Educators’ Guide.


The Founder and Director of The Destiny Foundation is Berel Wein.

Destiny’s administrative director is Elaine Gilbert.

Destiny Films and Educational Multi-Media Production is headed up by Director/Producer Ashley Lazarus and Producer and Head of Archival Research Beverly Beard.

Destiny Film’s Creative Team includes: David C. Lewis, Film Editor, Yehuda Kaplan, Music Composer, Mitch Clyman; Audio Producer, plus researchers, writers and highly qualified film and multi-media technicians.

The Director of Educational Programming, School Liaison & Teacher Training is Dr Nachum Amsel.

Director of Internet Projects is David Greenberg.

For short biographies of Team Destiny click here.


Destiny is totally funded by tax-deductable public donations.

To view a full list of individuals and foundations that support Destiny click here.