Previews & samples of the educators guide
Movie chapters
ChaptersClip length
2The big picture
Who are we?
Where are we?2:18 -
3European & ottoman empires
The philosophy of America2:21 -
4The Russian / Japanese war
The people revolt (1905)2:30 -
5The scapegoat – the jews
The pogroms2:26 -
7Russian oppresion
Searching for solutions3:32 -
8The enlightenment
The haskala1:46 -
9What is a jew?
The challenge of being jewish1:55 -
10Jewish life – alive and well in Europe
The mussar movement2:29 -
11The drive for a better life
The new jews2:44 -
Theodore herzl
Western european opposition5:02 -
13Conflicts over zionism
The old yishuv
The new yishuv5:10 -
15Working class struggle
The bund4:26 -
16The challenges of America –
The melting pot
Making judaism relevant5:39 -
18Success of earlier immigrants
Problems facing new immigrants2:03 -
19Ideological differences in America
New & traditional definitions of judaism9:20 -
20Review of the decade2:28